Customer Testimonials

"My computer and access to the Internet are two of my most valuable business tools. There's no way I could effectively keep in touch with or manage more than 1,100 business consultants in 36 countries with anything less than fully functioning equipment, the most up-to-date software, consistent and dependable Internet connection. I am fortunate to have found in ITGroupAZ, a team that is not only quick to respond and has the expertise to resolve problematic issues, but can often pinpoint potential areas of concern and correct them before they arise. These guys know what they're doing, they do it quickly and well, and they're a pleasure to work with. I wholeheartedly endorse them and unhesitatingly recommend them for all your computer, networking, or Internet related needs."

David Archer
CEO of IdHog

"David Owens and the ITGroupAZ have been my choice for all my computer and Internet related needs for more than 10 years. I depend on them to keep my computers and online connections functioning at their optimal performance levels. They are responsive, knowledgeable, skilled, professional, a pleasure to work with, and very importantly, they know the downtime-dollar-cost of a client's computer that is not operable. I have come to consider David and his company valuable partners in my business. Without them, my company, my clients, and our business consultants wouldn't enjoy the success we've been so fortunate to have."

Martin Howey, CEO
TopLine Business Solutions

"I couldn't be more pleased with the service we've received from David Owens and the ITGroupAZ. In the past if we had a computer or Internet related problem, we've either tried to fix it ourselves, or have called one of the many IT services who hold themselves up as experts. In many instances, it's cost us more in time and money than it should have. About ten years ago, we were referred to David for a pretty complex problem. He was very quick to respond, and had us back up and running in short order. We couldn't be more pleased with the service, support, and continuing relationship we have with them. If your business depends on fully functioning equipment and connections like ours does, you'd be doing yourself a disservice by using anyone other than David Owens and ITGroupAZ."

Mike Deines

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(480) 221-6555